6. Roles in internships and graduation projects
Fontys ICT's basic principle is that the intern learns most from his/her internship or graduation project when he/she takes full responsibility for his/her own assignment, both in content and in terms of organisation. This is also a learning situation, of course. That is why routine assistance and feedback on the student’s functioning is not only desirable but also often mandatory. This section briefly describes how Fontys ICT sees the division of roles between the intern and the supervisors.
Intern / graduate
- carries out the assignment according to the agreements made with the company supervisor and the school
- makes clear agreements in the form of a projectplan
- provides progress report for the instructor-supervisor and the school
- reports as intended in the internship or graduation project thesis paper
- arranges the first company visit by instructor-supervisor with company supervisor
- arranges second company visit by instructor-supervisor for evaluation with student and company supervisor, possibility for student to practise his presentation and get feedbak on it's content and for lecturer to consult company supervisor to discuss advisory assessment.
- takes initiative when problems arise
Company supervisor (among other responsibilities)
- main person responsible for the daily supervision of the student
- advising the teacher supervisor on assessment and being an advisory member of the examination jury
- carries out a supervisory discussion with the student at least 1x per week for 1 hour
- if also the content supervisor: is available for content supervision
- if not content supervisor: makes sure that content supervision takes place
Instructor-supervisor (among other responsibilities)
- monitors the internship from school
- provides feedback on the project plan and internship/ graduation project report/portfolio
- is the contact point when problems arise which the student and company supervisor cannot resolve
- is one of the two assessors
External expert (among other responsibilities)
- advisory member of the exam jury
- monitors the process and quality of the graduation project and particularly the assessment